Ask yourself a simple question — “Why on EARTH should it be so difficult for humanity to work together as a people?”
I’m sure our different opinions about this question could fill the entire Library of Congress!
And the following opinions would most likely to be some of the main contenders if a global survey was carried out.
A – Humans are just too stupid
B – Politicians are idiots
C – Some Political leaders are insane
D – All of the above
I suspect ‘D’ would get the most votes from the majority of people.
However, my answer to this question is a little different from the typical one’s above – ‘EVERYTHING is difficult when you are competing AGAINST YOURSELF as a people’.
So LISTEN UP HUMANITY…because I’m only going to say this once, (okay, maybe twice…or 10,000 times if necessary) — ‘If you want to make EVERYTHING better in the world, then STOP competing AGAINST YOURSELF.
This is the 21st Century and STILL — it seems, some individuals think that the only way to solve a conflict, is to arm ALL sides…with weapons.
Instead of political leaders trying to end the war in the Ukraine with more firepower, how about we try ending it with some brainpower!
It seems that when people are dying on the streets in yet another avoidable war, the best that we can conjure up on the sidelines, is to simply speculate and write articles about the motives behind it. “Putin is insane…” “Russia will lose…” “It’s about resources…”
While writing emotionally-laced articles will get claps and comments on blog sites like ‘Medium‘, it’s NOT contributing in any way, to solving the crisis. The key cause of the war in the Ukraine is not just about one man — or one country. It is about the ‘whole of humanity’ and how we operate as a PEOPLE.
To fully understand the problem, you must look at the ‘psychology’ of the problem.
The following video highlights the key problem — and also the SOLUTION.
What this video tries to make clear, is that while ‘conflicts of interest’ exist between nations — whether political, economic, or otherwise, there will ALWAYS be war and conflict in the world.
Humanity can fix this problem by simply making the decision, to ‘work together as a people’.
All that this requires, is the courage of one global leader to look beyond the needs of their own nation, and realise that ALL NATIONS will significantly benefit when we STAND TOGETHER as a PEOPLE — including their own!
The solution to the war in Ukraine is NOT more weapons. Weapons kill people — in case some are a little confused.
Instead, leaders can end the war in the Ukraine — and ALL wars — by adopting a new global approach as outlined in the video. This GLOBAL Model will benefit all countries — equally — and put an end to their ‘conflicts of interest’.
Afterall — when everyone is on the same side, who is there left to fight?
For more information about a GLOBAL Model, you can visit the following site: