Focus on remedies not faults
Brett Jordan —

How can one idea achieve so much?

  • Create peace and prosperity in every country throughout the world.
  • Provide the necessary global cooperation between countries to address climate change and meet the escalating challenges of a rapidly rising population.
  • Create positive political relationships, both nationally and internationally between countries.
  • Allow for the easy implementation of global ethical economic practices.
  • Have a positive impact on human behaviour throughout the world.
  • Fix poverty, human trafficking, immigration problems,…

“We implement a New Global Model and work together as a people.”

A Global Model for Humanity
New Global Model — This approach benefits all countries and people. It will fix the major political, humanitarian and social problems throughout the world today.

We need to learn from the mistakes of the past

The next step in our social evolution

Humanity once lived as small scattered tribes, throughout the world. As the population numbers of these different tribes increased, they would inevitably cross paths in their search for food. Over time, local communities and civilisations began to coalesce. Eventually, these too were out-grown as the population numbers continued to grow. Local communities and civilisations evolved into Countries and Nation States.

We are now at a point where we live in a global world — which is trying to address global challenges — while still operating a competitive National Model.

This doesn’t work. It will NEVER WORK!

You cannot solve the world’s problems while each Nation State wants to put ‘its own interests first’. How many times have you heard a President, Prime Minister or Representative Leader say, “We won’t support this as it’s NOT in ‘insert country’ interests”?

Tribal — Local — National — GLOBAL

The natural evolution of human society

Humanity has a decision to make. Either it regresses backwards to the competitive, aggressive and self-centred world of nationalism, or TOGETHER — as ONE PEOPLE, we courageously move forward and work together to create a better world for all.

A new GLOBAL Model will restore the true spirit of humanity and bring out the very best in us as a people.

What can I do to help make it happen?

I’m glad you asked 🙂

Alone, no individual can implement a new GLOBAL Model. This is something that we have to choose to do as a people — TOGETHER.

We already have the building blocks to implement it. It just requires your support.

We need to ACT!

The first step is for each of us to show that we support this change; that we want to see ‘humanity work together as a people for the common good of all nations’.

To show your support, visit this website —

As this idea grows in support, we’ll promote and organise events to take this message to the next level.

One last thought…

The next time (and there will definitely be a next time) you see a news broadcast or media headline which highlights a political, humanitarian or social problem somewhere in the world, ask yourself this simple question — ‘Would that problem still be happening if we were working together for the common good of all countries?’


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